Tuesday, July 19, 2011

How to create a successful Facebook status.

Now. I know what some of you are thinking. Let me assure you, you did not leave the oven on, or your local fire department would have called by now.
Also, yes, this post is for real.

Facebook is a very unique and efficient social tool that doubles as a stalker-enabler. Many people have it on their phones, some have it constantly open on a tab while they use their laptops, and almost everyone has, at one point, regretted that they explained how to use it to their parents. But regardless of the available method of employment or who employs the available method of employment, everyone uses it for the same things: looking at pictures, inviting people to fiestas, wishing a happy birthday to their acquaintances, perusing through the pages of the guys they like to make sure no hookers were posting on them, and updating statuses. The first four activities require little to no effort or explanation. However, thanks to the invention of the "like" button, statuses and even comments are now under constant scrutinization of the public, and the amount of feedback on each one can make or break a social life.

I'm dead serious.

So for those of you whose personal opinions and ideas have been lacking a little "umph" lately, I have created a ridiculously brief but completely free tutorial that will add a little pizazz to your pages.
I also refuse to be held liable.

1. You won't get a lot of feedback if you don't have a lot of friends.
This is kind of a ditzy high schooler rule (I can say that without scruple as I am now a collegiate), but let's face it: if no one likes you, no one's going to say anything about whether or not you just won the Nobel Peace Prize. If everyone likes you and you have Mexican food for lunch, you can easily create an entourage. Those in the first category must make friends. The second must make tacos. Of course, you may be kind of in the middle, and possibly have a few friends who really like you but also a couple who are super flaky and play favorites and don't actually care about your personal life and talk about your secrets and stab you in the back to get where they want in life not like that ever happened to me or anything. In that case, you have potential. Proceed to step two.

2. You can always count on the pity vote. No wait; you can't.
Pity statuses, or the kinds of statements that people post because they don't want to go to therapy, are often a ticket to sympathy land and comment heaven. Unfortunately, lots of us like to keep it vague, to keep their friends asking (that's another trick I'll discuss momentarily). This may work, but real sympathy will come from an unexpected, awful event. You should make some happen, but remember, ONLY IN MODERATION. Add some sad faces to make it more believable.

Joe: Boy, my life sucks for the third time this week.

Shaniqua: My baby goldfish just caught on fire! :(

3. Vague might keep them guessing.
It is possible that this approach will only infuriate everyone you know, but in some cases, especially if you hint that it's a really big deal or sound intriguingly mysterious, it might be just the ticket. Keep in mind, we live in a culture that wants to be pleased immediately and insatiably, so you have to sound like you're really in the know about something big.

Bob: That was weird.

Bob: Oh... so THAT'S where the next horcrux is.

4. Start a debate.
People like to debate and shove their great ideas up everyone's noses. What better place to do it than where you happen to be already, and have been every second of every day since you were in eighth grade!
On a side note. You can be as risky as you wish (it's your social life at stake, not mine), but if you choose to be an adventure seeker, be prepared for people to mortally hate you.

Joe: I think our President is incompetent.

Shaniqua: Brenda is a slut.

We interrupt this message to bring you a more urgent one: if you are my neighbor, please turn your car alarm off, or I will come over there and smash in your headlights. Thank you.

5. What do you think...
Surveys, without a doubt, are highly effective, but they are the cheap thrills of internet popularity. If you truly are desperate, often a quick inquiry about a favorite brand or flavor or species can get your self-esteem back up and running. Now, as with any of the above tips, this comes with risks: obviously there are some questions that should be off-limits based on the fact that there are CHILDREN WHO CAN READ THIS, but there are also questions that just make the situation more awkward than it was before. And no one likes internet awkwardness.

Joe: If you could be any kind of flightless bird, what would you be? (obviously a penguin)

Bob: Does anyone else find the smell of Bleu Cheese as delicately appealing as I do?

6. Fun with controversy.
Oftentimes you can get a lot of people interested in what's going on when you say something unusually offensive. The shock value of a status, however, depends on the key word "unusually."  "@#$% MY LIFE" would probably get a little more feedback if it wasn't preceded by "%^&* MY CAR" or "&^#! THE GOVERNMENT" or "*$%@ MY PUFFERFISH THAT JUST DIED." If your typical route is making rude comments or using PG-13 language or calling Brenda a slut, lay off it and post something happy. The relief of your friends might inspire them to comment a whole lot more in an effort to convince you that you should turn over a new, more uplifting leaf.

7. Laughter is a good thing.
Being funny is basically the best way to get any kind of appreciation nowadays. If something funny happens, tell people. If something boring happens, tell it in a way that makes it sound like it was funny. Sooner or later, your life will become an endless hunt for hidden ironies that will eventually drive you to madness, but people will find you quite entertaining. At least for a little while.

8. People often "like" an inspirational quote about life or overcoming some difficulty or that maybe insults the incompetencies of a man's sandwich making abilities.
Hopefully this is self-explanatory.

9. Good things happen to those who post about them.
People tend to click "like" when they like something... and if something good happens, they tend to like that too! It does get cheesy when people make long lists and finish it off with a "Today was a good day." Those don't work unless you were proposed to in the middle of your inauguration on a cruise ship going to the tropical island that you won in a commercial drawing, because that is a pretty good day. But unfortunately, that isn't a regular occurrence. And besides, you really only need one thing to write about at a time. My suggestion? Go do something exciting or fun! Have an adventure! Make a difference! Save a cat!
Unfortunately, for most of you, this tip is useless, seeing as in order to do something worth talking about, you probably would have to get off of the computer.

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