Saturday, June 21, 2014

a uniquely formatted update.

I don't know how to explain this, so...just go with it. Evidently updating people of my doings and beings and seeings is not my forte, and this is really only going to prove that.
Have a nice day!


So, Lydia, how's it going?

Where do you want me to start?

Basically wherever the heck you feel like.
Well...I'm in Michigan, taking some classes on ecology, learning about native birds and mammals and herpetofauna (reptiles and amphibians) and I guess really just a lot of animals and local ecological systems, like lakes and streams and bogs and stuff.

That was an awesome place to start.

I realize that.

How are these classes you speak of?

I mean...they're quite compounded. I have midterms next week and I've only been here for twelve days.

And how are these bogs you speak of?

They have some chill plants and turtles and whatever.

Turtles are sick.

Turtles are sick. 

So resisting the urge to devote the rest of this conversation to turtles, how are you coping with the rapid fire learning environment?

I'm currently eating all of the chocolate caramel balls out of the "trail mix" (who puts chocolate caramel balls in trail mix?) my mom gave me before I left. I'm also having an intermittent phone call with my mom, and I'm avoiding all contact with other members of humanity, because, as of this moment, humanity is the worst.

Ah. Are you hormonal?

I don't appreciate the implication that it's only justifiable for me to feel strong emotion when I'm undergoing some sort of chemical imbalance.



Has it been an overall positive experience?


How positive?

Super duper positive.

Are you sassing me?

Are you questioning my honesty?



How are the people there? Probably all chill and laid back because they're basically all hippies, right?

I mean, everyone in existence is at least a little crazy.

You're a little crazy.


How are the restroom situations?

...fine...? Hot water's all I can ask for...and no guilt about prolonging the drought, because there is no drought here.

What a thought. Who is your roommate?

I have five...Helen, my bunkmate, and Beth, Erin, Lauren, and Emily.

How is your bunk?

Its proximity to the ceiling is genuinely alarming, and my sheets don't fit, and I only 
brought one blanket.

You sound bitter.

It's casual.

How is the food?

The food is good.

how is...the social atmosphere?

Intellectual, I guess? a lot of smart people all having the same discussions with well-informed opinions, so it can get to you. you have to come up with ideas fast.

I see. Why are you having so much trouble capitalizing words?

I dropped a pine needle in my keyboard.

I feel like I should be more surprised than I actually am.

I mean...yeah.

Do you do fun things?

We take classes on how to cry more efficiently.

Ha ha.

sometimes we kayak. Lab is pretty fun for both classes. we drink lots of hot chocolate.

You know you have another Shift key on the keyboard, right?

Oh hey.

Are you lonely?


Are you lonely?

Where did...huh?

Answer the question. Are you lonely?

Considering the fact that I know no one here very well and am navigating a predominantly temporarily established and intellectually based social dynamic, I would consider moderate loneliness an appropriate response.

You whine so verbosely.

Thank you.

Are you worried that people will judge you for how much you miss your boyfriend?


Haven't you guys been dating for a year?






You know you could, like, stop studying abroad.

But what fun would that be.

You clearly sound like you're having oodles of fun.

I am having oodles of fun.

That was so convincing!

Yeah, well, maybe you just caught me on a bad night.

And what are the odds of that?

Maybe pretty high.

Is that so?

Yeah. Maybe my frustration breeds creativity.

What does that have to do with anything?


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