Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Happy boring day!

I have nothing significant to say, but I desperately want to post something. Thusly, I will yammer on about what I've done over break so far, since I know you're all dying to know what oceans of excitement I've been diving into since school ended.

First of all, I've absolutely wrecked my sleep schedule. I've woken up at one in the afternoon at least three or four times, and the other days I've woken up at noon. Most days I also nap. Today, my dad made me get up before eleven, and I almost died. Granted, I've also been staying up until one or two in the morning, reading great literature and musing on the definition of life, so it's most likely my mental exhaustion is to blame.
Actually, considering how difficult last semester was, that's entirely possible. In my opinion I'm still catching up on all the sleep I lost...last year. I'm not even close to this year's quota, so everyone can just get off my back.

My internet usage is rather prolific; however, my roommate Kelly and I switched passwords before we left for break, and now neither of us have access to Facebook until we get back to school (unless she's hacked her account, which wouldn't be surprising, as she is something of a genius and another something of a sneaky devil) (in a good way). I did this so I wouldn't feel like I had to see everyone from high school or spend time at fancy parties or go out of my way to make crafty presents for the people I love. I will see who I want and I will procure presents on my own time, thank you. So I spend a lot more time on Pinterest, pinning away, usually food I'll never have the patience to make or clothes I'll never have the money to buy. The usual stuff. Today, I unfollowed everyone's wedding boards.
I have been spending more time on Twitter, but you can only do so much on Twitter. I usually end my internet sessions by Google-stalking news stories of people from the Bachelorette.

I'm babysitting chinchillas, which are like giant fluffy mice that sleep in the day and cavort haplessly in the night, which is a big part of why my sleeping has been disturbed. I didn't realize that chinchillas squeaked, but they definitely do. If you can call it squeaking, which you really can't. It sound like they're being suffocated. Here is a video (click the word video for the video); you can see for yourself. Two final fun facts concerning chinchillas: (1) they do bite, if you put your finger next to their mouths, but so far it's been harmless nibbling and I haven't had another medical episode, and (2) they hate water, so they bathe in dust, which is so counter intuitive I honestly don't know what to do.

Last Saturday, I had the privilege of meeting my good friend's fiancée. The experience in and of itself was what you would expect the experience of meeting your good friend's fiancée would be if you had never met any other fiancées that happened to belong to your good friends.
It was fine. He was great. But no one else that I care about is allowed to get engaged for a long time until I decide I'm okay with being a grown up.

In nerd news, I checked my grades for the semester and was overjoyed, and that's all I'm going to say about that. Also, I got A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy for Christmas, the entire quintogy (like trilogy but there's five of them) (it's not a word), so...yeah. There's that. My family is mad at me because I don't talk to anyone anymore; I just read and read and then think about time travel until my brain hurts too much to do it, so I try reading again, creating a vicious cycle of frustration, which may or may not also have something to do with the fact that I'm not talking to anyone.

I saw the Hobbit, and, unlike everyone else of the entirety of people who saw it, felt ambivalently towards it.
I baked like a thousand cookies. My brothers ate all of them. 
Actually. False. I did. Plus, I made a list of things I need to do, and I keep adding to it and never doing any of it and not caring.

...I think that's it...

...yeah, that's it. Beyond that, pretty much the usual stuff: existential crises, frustrated grumbling over what the crap I'm going to do with my life, writing future best-sellers and then giving up after the first chapter, gagging on my toothbrush, watching the Big Bang Theory every day, and accumulating heinous debt in student loans.




1 comment:

  1. I didn't like the Hobbit either. I wasn't even upset about the plot additions, I just didn't enjoy the movie. I cried afterward. ^_^
